
Use agent to search, install, bootstrap and run an agent.

You can use agent to search, install, bootstrap and run an agent.


oxo agent [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


--helpShow this message and exit


buildCLI command to build the agent container from a definition.yaml file.oxo agent build -f path/to/definition.yaml -org organization_name
deleteCLI command to delete installed agents.oxo agent delete agent/[ORGANIZATION_NAME]/[AGENT_NAME]
healthcheckMinimal agent healthcheck command to ensure the agent response with 200 OK on localhost:5000 by default.oxo agent healthcheck
installInstall an agent : pull the image from the oxo store.oxo agent install (agent/<org>/<name> or @<org>/<name>). Org name can be omitted for defaults agents hosted by Ostorlab.
listCLI command to list installed agents.oxo agent list
searchCLI command to search for agents in the Agents store.oxo agent search TEXT