
Start a new scan on your assets.

You use oxo scan run to start a new scan on your assets.


oxo scan run [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


--agent AGENT_KEYList agents keys (agent/<org>/<name> or @<org>/<name>). Org name can be omitted for defaults agent hosted by Ostorlab
--arg ARG_NAME:ARG_VALUEAdd an argument to an agent. The argument should be in the format: <name>:<value>. Example: --arg fast_mode:true.
-t, --title TEXTScan title.
-g, --agent-group-definition FILENAMEPath to agents group definition file (yaml).
-a, --assets FILENAMEPath to target list definition file (yaml).
-i, --installInstall missing agents.
--follow AGENT_KEYFollow logs of agents (agent/<org>/<name> or @<org>/<name>). Org name can be omitted for defaults agents hosted by Ostorlab.
--no-assetStart the environment without injecting assets.
--helpShow this message and exit.


agentRun scan for agent.oxo scan run agent [OPTIONS]
android-aabRun scan for Android .AAB package file.oxo scan run android-aab [OPTIONS]
android-apkRun scan for Android .APK package file.oxo scan run android-apk [OPTIONS]
android-storeRun scan for a package name on Android.oxo scan run android-store [OPTIONS]
domain-nameRun scan for Domain Name asset.oxo scan run domain-name [OPTIONS]
fileRun scan for file asset.oxo scan run file [OPTIONS]
ios-ipaRun scan for iOS .IPA package file.oxo scan run ios-ipa [OPTIONS]
ios-storeRun scan for a bundle ID on iOS.oxo scan run ios-store [OPTIONS]
ipRun scan for IP asset.oxo scan run ip [OPTIONS]
linkRun scan for links.oxo scan run link [OPTIONS]