Documentation of fingerprint proto files.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | optional | The name of the service. |
port | uint32 | optional | The port number the service is running on. |
schema | string | optional | The schema or protocol used by the service. |
library_name | string | optional | The name of the library associated with the service. |
library_version | string | optional | The version of the library associated with the service. |
library_type | string | optional | The type or category of the library. |
detail | string | optional | Additional details or information about the service. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | optional | The name of the service. |
port | uint32 | optional | The port number the service is running on. |
schema | string | optional | The schema or protocol used by the service. |
cert_chain | repeated ostorlab.agent.message.proto.common.x509.X509Cert | repeated | The chain of X.509 certificates associated with the service. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
path | string | optional | The path of the fingerprinted file. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
continent | string | optional | The continent of the IP location. |
continent_code | string | optional | The continent code of the IP location. |
country | string | optional | The country of the IP location. |
country_code | string | optional | The country code of the IP location. |
region | string | optional | The region of the IP location. |
region_name | string | optional | The region name of the IP location. |
city | string | optional | The city of the IP location. |
zip | string | optional | The ZIP code of the IP location. |
latitude | float | optional | The latitude of the IP location. |
longitude | float | optional | The longitude of the IP location. |
timezone | string | optional | The timezone of the IP location. |
district | string | optional | The district of the IP location. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
ip_address | string | required | The IP address. |
version | int32 | optional | The IP version, default is IPv4. |
location | Location | optional | The location information of the IP. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
path | string | optional | The path of the fingerprinted file. |
package_name | string | required | The package name of the Android app. |
host | string | required | The host associated with the backend. |
port | int32 | optional | The port number of the backend. |
ips | Ip | repeated | The list of IP addresses associated with the backend. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
path | string | optional | The path of the fingerprinted file. |
package_name | string | required | The name of the Android package. |
name | string | optional | The name of the feature. |
description | string | optional | A description of the feature. |
detail | string | optional | Additional details about the feature, if available. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
path | string | optional | The path of the fingerprinted file. |
package_name | string | required | The name of the Android package. |
library_name | string | optional | The name of the library detected in the file. |
library_version | string | optional | The version of the library detected in the file. |
library_type | string | optional | The type or category of the library detected in the file. |
detail | string | optional | Additional details about the library, if available. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
action | string | optional | The action associated with the intent filter. |
category | string | optional | The category associated with the intent filter. |
data | string | optional | The data associated with the intent filter. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | optional | The name of the permission. |
protection_levels | string | repeated | The protection levels associated with the permission. |
permission_group | string | optional | The permission group to which the permission belongs. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | optional | The name of the activity. |
permission | string | optional | The permission required to launch the activity. |
process | string | optional | The process in which the activity should run. |
enabled | bool | optional | Indicates whether the activity is enabled. |
exported | bool | optional | Indicates whether the activity is exported. |
direct_boot_aware | bool | optional | Indicates whether the activity is aware of direct boot functionality. |
allow_task_reparenting | bool | optional | Indicates whether the activity allows task reparenting. |
intent_filters | IntentFilter | repeated | The list of intent filters associated with the activity. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | optional | The name of the service. |
permission | string | optional | The permission required to use the service. |
description | string | optional | The description of the service. |
process | string | optional | The process in which the service should run. |
enabled | bool | optional | Indicates whether the service is enabled. |
exported | bool | optional | Indicates whether the service is exported. |
foreground_service_type | string | optional | The type of foreground service. |
intent_filters | IntentFilter | repeated | The list of intent filters associated with the service. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | optional | The name of the content provider. |
permission | string | optional | The permission required to access the content provider. |
process | string | optional | The process in which the content provider should run. |
enabled | bool | optional | Indicates whether the content provider is enabled. |
exported | bool | optional | Indicates whether the content provider is exported. |
syncable | bool | optional | Indicates whether the content provider is syncable. |
authorities | string | repeated | The list of authorities associated with the content provider. |
intent_filters | IntentFilter | repeated | The list of intent filters associated with the content provider. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | optional | The name of the broadcast receiver. |
permission | string | optional | The permission required to receive broadcasts. |
process | string | optional | The process in which the broadcast receiver should run. |
enabled | bool | optional | Indicates whether the broadcast receiver is enabled. |
exported | bool | optional | Indicates whether the broadcast receiver is exported. |
direct_boot_aware | bool | optional | Indicates whether the broadcast receiver is aware of direct boot functionality. |
intent_filters | IntentFilter | repeated | The list of intent filters associated with the broadcast receiver. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
path | string | optional | The path of the fingerprinted file. |
package_name | string | optional | The name of the Android package. |
permissions | Permission | repeated | The list of permissions requested by the application. |
activities | Activity | repeated | The list of activities declared in the AndroidManifest.xml. |
services | Service | repeated | The list of services declared in the AndroidManifest.xml. |
providers | Provider | repeated | The list of content providers declared in the AndroidManifest.xml. |
receivers | Receiver | repeated | The list of broadcast receivers declared in the AndroidManifest.xml. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
path | string | optional | The path of the fingerprinted file. |
name | string | optional | The name of the feature. |
description | string | optional | The description of the feature. |
detail | string | optional | Additional details about the feature. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
continent | string | optional | The continent name. |
continent_code | string | optional | The continent code. |
country | string | optional | The country name. |
country_code | string | optional | The country code. |
region | string | optional | The region name. |
region_name | string | optional | The region name. |
city | string | optional | The city name. |
zip | string | optional | The ZIP code. |
latitude | float | optional | The latitude. |
longitude | float | optional | The longitude. |
timezone | string | optional | The timezone. |
district | string | optional | The district name. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
ip_address | string | required | The IP address. |
version | int32 | optional | The IP version (default value is 4). |
location | Location | optional | The location information associated with the IP. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
path | string | optional | The path of the fingerprinted file. |
bundle_id | string | required | The bundle ID of the iOS application. |
host | string | required | The host associated with the backend. |
port | int32 | optional | The port number of the backend. |
ips | Ip | repeated | The list of IP addresses associated with the backend. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
path | string | optional | The path of the fingerprinted file. |
bundle_id | string | required | The bundle ID of the iOS application. |
name | string | optional | The name of the feature. |
description | string | optional | The description of the feature. |
detail | string | optional | Additional details about the feature. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
path | string | optional | The path of the fingerprinted file. |
bundle_id | string | required | The bundle ID of the iOS application. |
library_name | string | optional | The name of the library. |
library_version | string | optional | The version of the library. |
library_type | string | optional | The type of the library. |
detail | string | optional | Additional details about the library. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | optional | The name of the permission. |
usage_description | string | optional | The usage description of the permission. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
bundle_id | string | optional | The bundle ID of the iOS application. |
permissions | Permission | repeated | The list of permissions requested by the application. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
path | string | optional | The path of the fingerprinted file. |
library_name | string | optional | The name of the library. |
library_version | string | optional | The version of the library. |
library_type | string | optional | The type of the library (e.g., static, dynamic). |
detail | string | optional | Additional details about the library. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
host | string | optional | The IPv4 address of the host. |
mask | string | optional | The subnet mask. |
version | int32 | optional | The IP version (default = 4). |
service | string | optional | The name of the service. |
port | uint32 | optional | The port number. |
protocol | string | optional | The protocol used (e.g., TCP, UDP). |
library_type | string | optional | The type of the library used by the service. |
library_name | string | optional | The name of the library. |
library_version | string | optional | The version of the library. |
detail | string | optional | Additional details about the service. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
host | string | optional | The IPv4 address of the host. |
mask | string | optional | The subnet mask. |
version | int32 | optional | The IP version (default = 4). |
service | string | optional | The name of the service. |
port | uint32 | optional | The port number. |
protocol | string | optional | The protocol used (e.g., TCP, UDP). |
cert_chain | ostorlab.agent.message.proto.common.x509.X509Cert | repeated | The X.509 certificate chain associated with the service. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
host | string | optional | The IPv6 address of the host. |
mask | string | optional | The subnet mask. |
version | int32 | optional | The IP version (default = 6). |
service | string | optional | The name of the service. |
port | uint32 | optional | The port number. |
protocol | string | optional | The protocol used (e.g., TCP, UDP). |
library_type | string | optional | The type of library associated with the service. |
library_name | string | optional | The name of the library associated with the service. |
library_version | string | optional | The version of the library associated with the service. |
detail | string | optional | Additional details about the service. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
host | string | optional | The IPv6 address of the host. |
mask | string | optional | The subnet mask. |
version | int32 | optional | The IP version (default = 6). |
service | string | optional | The name of the service. |
port | uint32 | optional | The port number. |
protocol | string | optional | The protocol used (e.g., TCP, UDP). |
cert_chain | ostorlab.agent.message.proto.common.x509.X509Cert | repeated | The X.509 certificate chain associated with the service. |